E-Assessment Tailored to You

Orpine E-Assessment

While e-assessment tools for hiring have been in market for a long time, they were initially exclusive to enterprise-level companies. Medium and small businesses had to rely on brute hiring, going with their gut, and gambling on the people they hire.

It is not that these ways did not work or had a catastrophic rate of failure; skilled and experienced Human Resource handles all the nitty gritty of hiring well. Rather, small businesses considered e-assessment as superfluous. With lower turn-over compared to enterprises, one cannot say such decisions were completely off-base. However, in the era of exponential growth and change, it is wise to stay ahead of the curve and use easily accessible solutions like E-Assessments to advance your company in best possible way.


Adoption of e-assessments by small and medium-sized businesses

E-assessments, which just a decade ago were  luxuries only large corporations with extensive workforces could afford, are now becoming a standard component in every company.

2024 has seen major uptake in acceptance of E-assessments among majority of small and medium businesses. For all kinds of businesses, it looks like e-assessments are now becoming too important to ignore.

What an e-assessment brings to the table for a company is not just ease in hiring, but also employee evaluation and satisfaction. An e-assessment software is versatile enough and can be used in an array of ways depending on the need of the hour.


The essential thing to consider for this tool is to ask the right questions and have correct parameters for evaluation.


What to look for in an e-assessment software?

UI, performance, security, efficiency and cost effectiveness are vital when considering an e-assessment software, but don’t you know that already?

In the e-assessment market, reliability and usefulness must be regarded with precision. With so many options available online, you should not choose something that looks appealing, only to discover after a few years that it hasn’t delivered meaningful results. This is why selecting an e-assessment tool is a decision that should be made with careful consideration.

Once you have included your e-assessment tool into your workflow and adjusted your manpower and resources to include this tool, it would be a tough and a losing proposition if you find yourself having to decide once again whether to opt for something newer or stick with the old.

That is why while looking for an e-assessment software, consider these pointers:


E-Assessment Essentials

1) UI?

This is very important, one of the most important things that make-or-break applications. But are you going to showcase your e-assessment in a museum?

Role of UI in application

UI is one of the most important aspects of any application. It sets the mood for the user and helps applications attain the goals they are meant to fulfill.

But if you are looking for something more in terms of UI, then maybe you are asking the wrong questions.

Importance of usability over aesthetics

A well designed, clutter free interface with minimal distractions, allowing all the focus on evaluation, is what an e-assessment software must have. Nothing more and nothing less.

Look for usability, when considering the UI aspects of the application.


2) Can you make it your own.

Once you purchase your e-assessment software, it is yours. But is it? If you are unable to customize your e-assessment according to your parameters, what good is it? Ask yourself these questions while deciding on a e-assessment. Can you customize your e-assessment software? In what ways and to what extent?

Importance of flexibility in features

It is best to imagine the worst-case scenarios and how you would expect your e-assessment software to help you in those situations. There’s a sudden opening in your company, or a new project has arrived and you need to hire for a newly opened department. A good e-assessment tool would be your lifeboat during a sinking ship, as every useful tool is meant to be.

How customizable is your software, how flexible is it in its features and does it miss upon at any pointers, test your e-assessment software on these parameters and see if it rides the tides with you.

An active support system for such situations should be important. Consider what terms are going to be your make-or-break deals.

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3) Is it an investment or a liability?

Be vary of the bells and whistles surrounding the various off-the-shelf e-assessment software out there. All these distractions might cause you to misjudge your intentions.

Differentiating a good investment from a mere software

A good e-assessment tool is an investment and should be capable of delivering compounded benefits, as all good investments do.

If you see your e-assessment as just a product, or a software that is meant to do one job, or hire for some, then you’re not fully visualizing the potential of an e-assessment tool. Your E-assessment should grow with your company. Use it not just for hiring; evaluate candidates, evaluate your employees, build a review system, identify skill gaps, track progress, and build a comprehensive review system that truly works.

An e-assessment would enable any organization to really know the people present in the floor. Evaluating technical skills is just one aspect, a holistic e-assessment solution entails evaluating cognitive, learning, and leadership potential of their employees. A system that nurtures and develops employees as your company grows.


E-Assessment Orpine


4) Do you really need an e-assessment solution?

Human collaboration to enhance the world dates back to the dawn of civilization. Principles of cooperatives, organized hiring, and other office practices date as far back as the bronze age. Did you know about Julius Ceasar’s decree dating back 55 B.C.E for generous referral bonuses to any soldier who brought another one into his army?

That is how far our processes of work go, and how far we have come since.

Applicability for lean and agile workforces

If you are building an army, by all means, you do not need e-assessment.

Trusting through word of mouth and in person interviews can only get one so far. For lean and agile workforce, modern methods and assisting tools like e-assessment are must haves in your arsenal.

When you know who the person is before he is assigned a desk, you know your e-assessment has done its job.


All the talk is lost if benefits of your e-assessment tool don’t reflect on paper. This is where ROI comes into play. You can measure your tool’s ROI easily using our guide. Calculate projected ROI and actual ROI of implementing an e-assessment tool using the parameters below.


ROI of E-Assessment Tools

ROI, or costs vs benefits analysis is a great tool to project your next moves.

What if you get an estimated measure of ROI before you get your e-assessment tool?

Here is how you can do it by yourself.

First step is to identify the Cost and the Quantify the Benefits.

Costs Involve:

  1. Initial Costs
  2. Implementation Costs
  3. Training Costs
  4. Maintenance Costs
  5. Opportunity Costs: The potential loss of productivity during the transition period as employees adapt to the new tool.


For expert advice on scalable solutions, feel free to contact us. We will be delighted to hear from you!


Benefits involve:

  1. Time Savings
  2. Improved Productivity
  3. Accuracy and Consistency:
  4. Employee Performance and Retention
  5. Reduced Paperwork and Administrative Costs
  6. Compliance and Risk Management
  7. Scalability


Calculate ROI

Formula: ROI is calculated using the formula:

Orpine E-Assessment

This would give you an idea of the ROI e-assessment tools have to offer for your business.

There’s also intangible benefits to consider. A few things that are harder to quantify.


Intangible Benefits of E-Assessment

Employee Satisfaction:

Increased job satisfaction from a more streamlined and transparent assessment process can improve overall morale and reduce turnover.

Brand Reputation:

Implementing modern tools can enhance the company’s reputation as a forward-thinking employer, attracting top talent.


Investing in technology now may save costs in the future by avoiding the need for major upgrades or system overhauls.

There’s still more things to watch out for before jumping onto the e-assessment band-wagon. Here at Jigya, we understand the pains and needs of business small and big. For tailored solutions, get free guidance from our experts today.

Next important thing to note while you’re on a look-out for an e-assessment software is the hurdles that might make your search unpleasant. What potential obstacles might a small or medium-sized company encounter when trying to implement an e-assessment software?


E-Assessment Concerns Worth Addressing

Cost Constraints and Data Security and Privacy should form the starting point when considering the challenges of implementing e-assessment software for a small or medium-sized company.

Here are some more pointers one should keep in mind:


Customization Needs

Off-the-shelf e-assessment software might not fully align with the specific needs of a small or medium-sized company. Customizing the software to fit unique requirements can be complex and costly.


As the company grows, the e-assessment software must be able to scale accordingly. Small and medium-sized companies may struggle to select a solution that is both cost-effective now and capable of growing with the company.

Integration with Existing Systems

Integrating e-assessment software with existing HR or other business systems can be complicated. Smaller companies may face challenges in ensuring seamless integration, which could lead to inefficiencies or data silos.

Compliance and Regulations

Depending on the region and industry, there may be specific regulations governing electronic assessments. Ensuring the software complies with all relevant laws and regulations can be a challenge, particularly for companies with limited legal or compliance resources.


We hope this blog provided you some valuable clarity on E-assessments, and how to choose an e-assessment solution that best fits your needs.

If you want to experience best in class hiring and recruitment, contact us here. Jigya Software Services is an organization working for the past 25 years to develop innovative solutions and build trust and partnerships worldwide. For a demo of our services, check out this page. To know more about Orpine, our parent company, visit www.orpine.com.

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